VII. The Budget

Art. 58.

(1) A law annually fixes the budget of the State.

(2) The Government submits budget estimates to the Seym not later than four months before the beginning of the budgetary year.

(3) For the examination of the budget the Seym is allowed a period of ninety days from the presentation of the budget estimates by the Government; the Senate is allowed a period of twenty days after the expiration of the term fixed for the Seym.

(4) For the consideration of amendments proposed by the Senate the Seym is allowed ten days from the expiration of the term fixed for the Senate:

(5) The President of the Republic shall order the promulgation of the budget: (a) in the version proposed by the Legislative Chambers, if the Seym and the Senate have considered the budget within the fixed periods; (b) in the version adopted by the Seym, if the Senate has not considered the budget within the fixed period; (c) in the version proposed by the Senate, if the Seym has not within the fixed period considered the budget or the amendments introduced by the Senate; (d) in the version proposed by the Government if neither the Seym nor the Senate have examined the budget within the allotted periods.

Art. 59.

(1) Expenditure not estimated for in the budget cannot be adopted, and if estimated, may not be increased without the agreement of the Government.

(2) The Government may not make any expenditure without the authorization of a statute unless State necessity arises;

in such case, the Government shall, on the basis of a decision of the Council of Ministers make the essential expenditure but must submit to the Seym, within seven days after the decision, the project of a law for the granting of supplementary credits. The decision of the Council of Ministers shall simultaneously be published in the official gazette and shall be notified to the Supreme Board of Control.

Art. 60.

(1) The State cannot remain without a budget.

(2) If, on account of the dissolution of the Legislative Chambers, the budget or at least the provisional estimates are not adopted by the beginning of the new budgetary year —the Government has the right to collect revenues and meet expenses within the limits of the preceding year's budget up to the time of the adoption of the provisional estimates or of the budget, which the Government shall submit to the Seym at its first sitting.

(3) The aforesaid principle applies analogously in case the Seym rejects the presented project of the budget in its entirety; in such event the Government shall within seven days after such rejection submit to the Seym a new project of the budget or provisional estimates whilst the expenditure made by the Government on the basis of the preceding year's budget cannot exceed in each individual item the expenditure proposed in the rejected budget.