Article 1.

1. The Polish People's Republic is a State of People's Democracy.

2. In the Polish People's Republic the power belongs to the working people of town and country.

Article 2.

1. The working people exercise the authority of the State through their representatives elected to the Seym of the Polish People's Republic, and to the People's Councils, on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

2. The people's representatives in the Seym of the Polish People's Republic, and in the People's Councils, are responsible to their constituents and may be recalled by them.

Article 3.

The Polish People's Republic:

1. safeguards the achievements of the Polish working people of town and country and secures

their power and freedom against forces hostile to the people;

2. secures the development and continuous growth of the productive forces of the country through its industrialisation and through elimination of economic, technical and cultural backwardness;

3. organises a planned economy on the basis of undertakings constituting social property;

4. places restrictions on, gradually ejects and abolishes those classes of society which live by exploiting the workers and peasants;

5. ensures a continual rise in the level of the

prosperity, health and cultural standards of the people;

6. secures the development of national culture in all its aspects.

Article 4.

1. The laws of the Polish People's Republic express the interests and the will of the working people.

2. Strict compliance with the laws of the Polish People's Republic is the fundamental duty of every organ of the State and of every citizen.

3. All organs of State power and administration act on the basis of law.

Article 5.

All organs of State power and administration are supported in the exercise of their functions by the conscious and active cooperation of the broadest masses of the people, and they are bound:

1. to account to the Nation for their work;

2. to examine carefully and take into consideration, in accordance with existing legislation, reasonable proposals, complaints and wishes of the citizens;

3. to interpret to the working people the basic aims and guiding principles of the policy of the People's Authority in the various fields of State, economic and cultural activity.

Article 6.

The armed forces of the Polish People's Republic safeguard the sovereignty and independence of the Polish Nation, its security and peace.