Article 80.

Elections to the Seym and to the People's Councils are universal, equal, direct and carried out by secret ballot.

Article 81.

Every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen has, irrespective of sex, nationality and race, religion, education, length of residence, social origin, profession or property, the right to vote.

Article 82.

Every citizen who has reached the age of eighteen is eligible for election to the People's Councils, and every citizen who has reached the age of twenty-one is eligible for election to the Seym.

Article 83.

Women have all electoral rights on equal terms with men.

Article 84.

Citizens serving in the Armed Forces have all electoral rights on equal terms with civilians.

Article 85.

Electoral rights are denied only to insane persons and to persons deprived by Court decision

of public rights.

Article 86.

Candidates for the Seym and candidates for the People's Councils are nominated by political and social organisations in town and country.

Article 87.

It is the duty of Deputies to the Seym and of members of People's Councils to report to the electors on their work and on the activity of the body to which they have been elected.

Article 88.

The procedure for nomination of candidates and for holding elections, as well as the procedure for the recall of Deputies to the Seym and of members of People's Councils, are established by law.